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Rese­arch and development 

Sha­ping the future 

By remo­ving pro­ble­ma­tic sub­s­tances from the natu­ral world and eit­her dis­po­sing them in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly com­pli­ant man­ner or reco­ve­ring them for a useful pur­po­se, we help to reme­dy the errors of the past. At Geltz, howe­ver, we pre­fer not to look back at the past but rather towards the future. A future which, with our ide­as and inno­va­tions, we will help to defi­ne and improve.

Our suc­cess in this is demons­tra­ted for exam­p­le by the fact that the Spon­sors’ Asso­cia­ti­on (Stif­ter­ver­band) has once again reco­g­nis­ed our com­mit­ment in the field of rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment. And it is also high­ligh­ted by the fact we coope­ra­te regu­lar­ly with well-known rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons and find pio­nee­ring solu­ti­ons to eco­lo­gi­cal chal­lenges. For exam­p­le, Geltz Umwelt­tech­no­lo­gie has a lea­ding role in Euro­pean pro­jects aimed at deve­lo­ping new plant concepts. 

Full tre­at­ment and nut­ri­ent recovery 

From liquid manu­re to irri­ga­ti­on water, from fer­men­ta­ti­on resi­due to fertiliser 

What to do with liquid manu­re and fer­men­ta­ti­on pro­ducts? This is a ques­ti­on lots of far­mers are asking them­sel­ves with new urgen­cy becau­se of the latest Fer­ti­li­ser Ordi­nan­ce. One sus­tainable solu­ti­on to this huge chall­enge is the paten­ted NuT­ri­Sep pro­cess from Geltz. This inno­va­ti­ve sys­tem tre­ats liquid manu­re and other agri­cul­tu­ral resi­dues using a sequence of fil­tra­ti­on, dis­sol­ving and pre­ci­pi­ta­ti­on steps in such a way that all the nut­ri­ents are sepa­ra­ted off. By sepa­ra­ting off the indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents – orga­nic mat­ter, nitro­gen, phos­pho­rus, pot­as­si­um – valuable, saleable pro­ducts are gene­ra­ted. The­se are used eit­her as desi­gner fer­ti­li­sers – put tog­e­ther in a tar­ge­ted way – in agri­cul­tu­re or inte­gra­ted into a lar­ger mate­ri­als cycle and, for exam­p­le, reu­sed by the che­mi­cal industry.

The end pro­duct that remains is nut­ri­ent-free, odour­less water which is ide­al for irrigation.

The first NuT­ri­Sep plant can be visi­ted in Kup­fer­zell, Baden-Württemberg.

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tur­free! High-qua­li­ty peat sub­sti­tu­te from fer­men­ta­ti­on residues 

For healt­hy plant growth 

Bey­ond the com­ple­te nut­ri­ent reco­very offe­red by the NuT­ri­sep pro­cess, Geltz has deve­lo­ped the tur­free method with which high-qua­li­ty peat sub­sti­tu­te is gene­ra­ted from pres­sed fer­men­ta­ti­on pro­ducts. In their struc­tu­re and com­po­si­ti­on, the­se wide­spread orga­nic solids are simi­lar to peat. But they score points with their cru­cial advan­ta­ge that their rem­oval does not invol­ve signi­fi­cant harm to the envi­ron­ment – unli­ke peat.

The peat sub­sti­tu­te tur­free! from Geltz is a valuable basic pro­duct for the pro­duc­tion of soils and sub­stra­tes. It stands out for its low salt and nut­ri­ent levels, high struc­tu­ral sta­bi­li­ty, has excel­lent water reten­ti­on capa­ci­ty and enables good aer­a­ti­on. Thanks to the­se pro­per­ties, excel­lent growth per­for­mance is achie­ved in the peat-based soil sector.

Visit the Web­site for the pro­ject.

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Geltz Umwelttechnologie GmbH

Mit den smarten Sonderanlagen der Geltz Umwelt-Technologie GmbH gelingt betrieblicher Umweltschutz nach höchsten ökonomischen und ökologischen Maßstäben.

With the smart special systems from Geltz Umwelt-Technologie GmbH, operational environmental protection meets the highest economic and ecological standards.