
Wel­co­me to Geltz 

Geltz is an estab­lished and con­ti­nu­al­ly expan­ding medi­um-sized fami­ly busi­ness with a pres­ti­gious cus­to­mer base. Our employees, most of whom have been with us a long time, are high­ly moti­va­ted. Day in, day out, they are con­fron­ted with inte­res­t­ing and varied work pro­ces­ses in which they are ful­ly invol­ved. In sys­tem con­s­truc­tion e.g. from engi­nee­ring through to the ulti­ma­te start-up of the sys­tem. By this means they can see, with satis­fac­tion, what gre­at things they have managed.

Fee­ling good at Geltz 

Being a fami­ly busi­ness, the wel­fa­re of our employees is important to us. We take an inte­rest in our employees’ per­so­nal cir­cum­s­tances and assist them in dif­fi­cult times too. We know our employee’s strengths and sup­port them with tar­ge­ted con­ti­nuing pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment so they can deve­lop both per­so­nal­ly and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly. Other bene­fits at Geltz:

  • Com­pa­ny pen­si­on sche­me after a year
  • Free cold drinks, cof­fee and tea
  • Kin­der­gar­ten allowance
  • Com­pa­ny doctor
  • Free par­king spaces at the site
  • Very good con­nec­tions to bus and train
  • Job­rad
  • 30 days’ annu­al holiday
  • Shorter working day on Fridays
  • Com­pa­ny events

Latest job offers 

Sie haben Kennt­nis­se in min­des­tens einem der fol­gen­den Bereiche:

  • Schalt­schrank­bau
  • Elek­tro­in­stal­la­ti­on
  • oder SPS-Pro­gram­mie­rung

Sie sind der Exper­te in min­des­tens einem der fol­gen­den Bereiche:

  • Bau, Mon­ta­ge und War­tung von Anlagen
  • Metall­bau inkl. Edelstahlverarbeitung
  • Kunst­stoff­bau

Bewer­ben Sie sich und wer­den Sie Teil unse­res ein­ge­spiel­ten und enga­gier­ten Teams!

Bewer­bun­gen unter

App­ren­ti­ce­ships at Geltz 

We train spe­cia­list staff for was­te­wa­ter tech­no­lo­gy — the experts in envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion. The app­ren­ti­ce­ship takes three years. Swit­ching bet­ween block tea­ching and trai­ning at the com­pa­ny, as well as com­ple­ting pla­ce­ments at other orga­ni­sa­ti­ons e.g. a muni­ci­pal sewa­ge tre­at­ment plant, app­ren­ti­ces recei­ve trai­ning in the fol­lo­wing fields: was­te­wa­ter tre­at­ment, trai­ning on our sys­tem con­s­truc­tion with com­pre­hen­si­ve tea­ching on ope­ra­ti­on, ser­vicing and con­s­truc­tion of pro­cess facilities.

As a high­ly spe­cia­li­sed dis­po­sal firm with our own tre­at­ment faci­li­ty and atta­ched sys­tem con­s­truc­tion, we cover a signi­fi­cant­ly wider ran­ge of are­as than other trai­ning firms e.g. in the field of muni­ci­pal sewa­ge tre­at­ment plants. Trai­nee spe­cia­lists ther­eby acqui­re com­pre­hen­si­ve know­ledge and lay the foun­da­ti­on for tar­ge­ted fur­ther trai­ning in envi­ron­men­tal manage­ment — the indus­try of the future.

Send your appli­ca­ti­on for an app­ren­ti­ce­ship at Geltz to the fol­lo­wing e‑mail address:

Wel­co­me to our team.

Geltz Umwelttechnologie GmbH

Mit den smarten Sonderanlagen der Geltz Umwelt-Technologie GmbH gelingt betrieblicher Umweltschutz nach höchsten ökonomischen und ökologischen Maßstäben.

With the smart special systems from Geltz Umwelt-Technologie GmbH, operational environmental protection meets the highest economic and ecological standards.