Water tre­at­ment systems 

We pro­du­ce rea­dy-to-use sys­tems with capa­ci­ties of 10l/h to over 50 m³/h. We ori­gi­nal­ly deve­lo­ped our com­pact, clo­sed-loop sys­tems – which have been cost-opti­mi­sed – for the jewel­lery indus­try. Sim­ply tell us your requi­re­ments, wis­hes and pro­blems so that we can find a sui­ta­ble solu­ti­on for you.

Clo­sed-loop, ion exch­an­ger and demi­ne­ra­li­sa­ti­on facilities 

Clo­sed-loop faci­li­ties imple­ment the water-saving mea­su­res requi­red by law, for exam­p­le in elec­tro­pla­ting. The clo­sed-loop faci­li­ty remo­ves impu­ri­ties from the pro­cess water using anion and cati­on exch­an­gers. Solids are remo­ved using pre­fil­ters, sand fil­ters or gra­vel fil­ters. Orga­nic sub­s­tances are absor­bed using acti­ve car­bon. We con­s­truct and pro­vi­de sup­port for clo­sed-loop faci­li­ties in all size cate­go­ries, tail­o­red to your requi­re­ments, eit­her with inte­gra­ted, auto­ma­tic rege­ne­ra­ti­on or with exch­an­geable bot­t­les and rege­ne­ra­ti­on at our com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses. On request, we also sup­p­ly a wide ran­ge of acid retar­da­ti­on sys­tems, sel­ec­ti­ve and end exch­an­gers for your spe­ci­fic clea­ning, reco­very or con­cen­tra­ti­on task.


When it comes to demi­ne­ra­li­sa­ti­on for tasks requi­ring pure water, we offer and pro­vi­de sup­port for rever­se osmo­sis and mixed-bed res­in sys­tems and com­bi­na­ti­ons, depen­ding on the requi­red through­put capa­ci­ty and the puri­ty to be achie­ved, with inte­gra­ted moni­to­ring of the con­duc­ti­vi­ty value. Our ser­vice team coll­ects the char­ged mixed-bed bot­t­les from your pre­mi­ses and brings you back new­ly rege­ne­ra­ted ones

Geltz Umwelttechnologie GmbH

Mit den smarten Sonderanlagen der Geltz Umwelt-Technologie GmbH gelingt betrieblicher Umweltschutz nach höchsten ökonomischen und ökologischen Maßstäben.

With the smart special systems from Geltz Umwelt-Technologie GmbH, operational environmental protection meets the highest economic and ecological standards.